In the event your greyhound decides to take an unexpected journey away from his or her happy home, the information below should come in handy.
When you discover your dog is lost, the following should be done - all as soon as possible:
- Do a quick search of the area. Take a favorite treat, toy or dog friend with you. Also take both a collar and attached lead, even if the dog was wearing a collar when lost. It is easier to slip the entire set over the dog's head than hold onto the dog while trying to attach the lead to the collar.
- Call your local police department, humane society/animal shelter, area radio stations and nearby veterinary clinics, as these are the agencies/organizations most likely to receive a call if someone finds or sights your dog (especially if there is no collar with telephone numbers or address to read). Some radio stations also may be willing to air an announcement. Find Toby In PA is an online, social-network based resource that can also be used. Also, call PG Inc. at 717-743-7264 and let us know.
Give the following information to those agencies/organizations you call:
- When, where and under what circumstances the Greyhound got loose.
- If there have been any sightings - where and when.
- A complete description of the Greyhound - gender, size, color, markings, collars, tags, ear tattoos; also the dog's personality, e.g., shy, friendly, etc.
- Who you adopted the dog from and how long you have had the dog.
- Who else you have notified.
- Any recovery attempts made so far and the results (sightings, near misses, etc.)
- Enlist family, friends, neighbors, those who are nearby and can possibly provide immediate help in your or adjacent neighborhood(s).
- While searching, it is extremely important to have someone near the telephone for reports of a sighting so that the search can be redirected if necessary.
- Place food and crate by the house and, if possible, near the last sighting.
- Distribute flyers in your own and adjacent neighborhoods with the basic description of the dog and a telephone number to call. The flyers might be placed on telephone poles, in supermarkets, given to mailmen, children, delivered door-to-door, etc.
- After the first 24 hours, widen your search area by 5-10 miles. Start calling other police departments, humane societies, veterinary clinics, etc. DON'T GIVE UP! Most are found within 7 days when they get tired and hungry. THEY ARE SURVIVORS!
- If you come upon your dog but he/she won't come to you and starts to move away, try running away from the dog. The dog may surprise you by chasing after you. Don't worry - the dog will catch you!
When found, if your dog has been lost for more than 48 hours (or less depending on weather conditions, i.e., inclement, extreme heat or cold) or shows visible signs of illness or injury, take him/her to a vet ASAP to be examined. DO NOT SCOLD! LOVE! Remember to call PG, Inc. at 717-743-7264, the police and any other agency you alerted to let them know your dog has been found.